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Tik Tok
I the call to ban Tik Tok  is probably more about money than anything else. Not saying it doesn't have any negative effects- just that the people calling for the ban are more concerned with the dollar than they are about kids. Otherwise there would be similar calls for other social media.
Well, now that the Senate has passed the legislation in question it should be very revealing to observe how the "traffic" which offends many so deeply will migrate to a newer platform... and how Chinese data gathering will transform to compensate for the loss of direct access to their "targets."

As I have indicated before, this practice of sifting data is not something unique to the Chinese... I hope some people who are motivated by hatred of the "Chinese" won't simply believe the trope that the government "solved" the problem of rampant social engineering and the exploitation of private communication for profit, ideology, and power.
Developments continue: TikTok sues the US Govt

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