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Will this forum remain Politics-free?
(05-27-2024, 08:36 PM)Maxmars Wrote: Yeah, the emotionalism of others can't be regulated.  But conduct can often be a valid measure of actual intent.

I get it, politics is interwoven in almost anything 'discussed' in a social media context.  And some things are predominantly political... thus the media sees to it that it is reduced to political theater.  Hence, no resolution, no commonality between arguers. It isn't all that fun... but it can be made to drag on forever.  You're correct that religion also features this kind of thing... although I would say it is common to all institutions in "power," (or at least, I can't think of any exceptions.)

In the final analysis, effective debate relies on "self-regulation."  A discipline that many of ATS's old Mud-Pit dwellers felt "entitled" to refuse.  If you were to debate someone here about a point of political disagreement, at what point would you resort to caustic jabs and mean-spirited prods of an antagonistic emotional nature (also meant rhetorically, not personal)? 

The rub is that if the point is the politics, it's not about how angry it makes you, or how you might characterize others.  But many have been 'conditioned' to think that making someone else appear foolish has some 'value' to resolve the actual politics.  For some people, politics is a cosplay thing... all theater, all appearances.

Anyway, DI is willing to entertain debate of all sorts, but that means discussion,... dialogue,... and not so much the theater of "self." (Otherwise we would just be cosplaying celebrity lawyers on TV.)

I think as our membership grows, you will begin to see more "news" brought here for discussion... for now, we work with what members bring.  News aggregation was a byproduct of the ATS communities' insatiable curiosity... until some time ago, when something "else" happened.  What exactly?  I can't describe it to my satisfaction.

No question, just not going to happen
People are people
(05-27-2024, 02:15 PM)Maxmars Wrote: And we're ready to taxi for take-off!...

We'll be forging ahead with those Fighters who might be interested in the "DI Political Discourse Debate"... 
Except right now, there are only two Fighters... recovering from their last match.

I wonder who is willing to become a Fighter, and embark on this journey?

Right now my life is very stressful but I'm open to engaging in a moderated debate.

(05-28-2024, 08:05 AM)TSK Wrote: I allowed it to give people a sense of continuity with ATS seemingly going belly up, but I admit it's a contradiction to my entire point. Though I'd argue that the political spectrum here is more diverse than ATS at the moment, and I think that's a good thing. Differing minds and opinions are what inspires insight. Always feel free to use this platform to try and change someone's mind for the better. As long as we all do that through kindness, I think we'll be on the right track.

It does indeed feel as if there's a wider spectrum of politics here, and I'm glad for that.  We're still vulnerable to headline-talking-points (where people read a clickbait headline and never actually look at the article) BUT it's calmer and less edgy.

I'm all for less edge.  It frees up the dialogue and the pace so that we can see other interesting things.
That's simply impossible.

There are so many political discussions here and in every platform. It's the norm.
(05-28-2024, 08:05 AM)TSK Wrote: I allowed it to give people a sense of continuity with ATS seemingly going belly up, but I admit it's a contradiction to my entire point. Though I'd argue that the political spectrum here is more diverse than ATS at the moment, and I think that's a good thing. Differing minds and opinions are what inspires insight. Always feel free to use this platform to try and change someone's mind for the better. As long as we all do that through kindness, I think we'll be on the right track.

Thats fair and agreeable but I have too much on my plate right know to try to debate intensively to "change" peoples views. Actually that isnt my mission although I do believe in God and try to fight the good fight. I do feel Trump is a POS but he was railroaded for political purposes 

Have you ever been stalked by an apparent Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints member. I am at the gym and its now been ongoing for at least a year. Stares, smiles and brief conversations. Last week she handed me a hand written note with a phone number on it to contact her missionary "church family". 

I dont mean to thread drift but WTF. Stalking for the purpose of recruitment?    

I already informed management and I dont want to hurt her but so just what is the end game?

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