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Evidence Man Never Landed On The Moon - Documentary
(05-04-2024, 09:45 PM)BeTheGoddess Wrote: My memory is not great, but was reading about the moon landing and some of the things this article claimed were that the moon ran like a bell when they landed, another was they found an obolisk on the moon, the article went on to say the ;moon landing ; hoax was just to distract from this "truth" the article claimed.

It was in Nexus Magazine so it might be on ATS, as the magazine did have an account there.

Apollo 13 was supposed to drop something on the moon so they could study the hollow ring. I can't confirm it, but I have heard that numerous places.

A while back, a piece of debris fell on the moon...China maybe? Anyway, my first thought then was that some country was testing that belief.

I sometimes entertain the thought that the US has misled more than it's population since WWII, and others are starting to go down the rabbit hole.
Funny, I just remembered how I found ATS in the first place. I picked up a book called Above Top Secret by Jim Marrs years ago and realized he was mentioning the website. Maybe 2009 or so? Still have the book, and it has a chapter about who placed the moon or something like that.

Some weird shit in that book for sure!

If it’s hot, wet and sticky and it’s not yours, don’t touch it!
(05-05-2024, 08:13 PM)Maxmars Wrote: One fascinating piece of information I ran across, I regret I can only relay anecdotally.  I don't have access to much of my old materials (hard drive crash and burn)... but I did long ago, watch a video... in this video I understood that there had been a 'tradition' among the astronaut core, the commander of the mission gets to design the mission patch that the next mission crew would wear on their gear.

After Apollo 11, when the design was submitted, it was rejected because it featured a moon background in the patch of rocks in a "Stonehenge" design. Needless to say, that patch wasn't adopted.

I don't know if that little tale is true (or at least I can't prove that I heard it) but if any of you remember it, let me know... I would hate to think this was a Mandela Effect thing.

It seemed weird to me that somebody didn't want to use the patch because it would have sparked too many questions... and what was going through their minds at the time.

Hi Maxmars,

I was curious about the patch design. I could only find references to the Apollo 17 mission... There's a design with Stonehenge... could it be that?

From the following: Apollo patches website
Quote:Some preliminary sketches by Robert McCall for the Apollo 17 patch. The top four images all incorporate iconic aspects of McCall’s stylistic pallete. Regarding the fourth image, McCall mentions in his JSC Oral History Project interview: “Jack Schmitt was the geologist astronaut on that mission, and he thought Stonehenge would be a wonderful image to include.”

And here at the very beginning of this music video that has two rudimentary patch designs, one is the same as on the website above, the other a combination of sorts, although it doesn't mention the source.


I’m now about an hour in.

The “lines” for the backdrops on the stages is an interesting callout.

I also find the NASA simulators to be almost oddly good for the time period.

I do think the “reflector” on the moon is at least proof something man made went there. I’m not sure it’s proof of a lunar landing.

I’m sure this will be covered eventually but I’m still a bit shocked over how much was “lost” regarding capsules/rockets/equipment or general documentation of the lunar flights. One angle is the flights never happened. The other is that whatever we figured out on those missions needed to be destroyed.

Then there’s the “400k people worked on this they couldn’t not know what went on if it was hoaxed” comment. I do think it would have been very challenging to keep a hoax like this under wraps.

Regarding the Van Allen belts, I’ve seen other documentaries that talk about how the belts aren’t are problematic as once made out to be. Said differently they may not be as much of a limiting or concerning factor as once thought.

Lastly, I still kind of scratch my head that we’re figuring out how to build crew capsules again. This is an ignorant comment, but, that feels a bit to me like learning to make an airplane again. Musk made one (and iterated it) in a very short period of time. Obviously that’s 60 years later but that doesn’t mean we couldn’t have figured it out all the same before.

I’m still in the “we went there” camp.

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